League Rules

Current season: 2149
League date: 12-29-2149

Salary Cap$128.0M
($2147483.647M in 2149 dollars)
Quarter Length15 minutes
Kickoff From30 yard line
Two point conversionsAllowed
Name ChangesPlayer names may be changed up to and including week 4 in a season; nicknames may be changed at any time.
Allowed CitiesTier 4 cities
Sim Bowl LocationSB is played at a neutral city that has a team in the league.
Injury FrequencyAvg 1 play in 45
Preseason Injury FrequencyAvg 1 play in 90
Major Injury Pct35%
Attribute DisplayLetters
Hidden ImprovementsNo
Trade DeadlineTuesday after week 8
(10-28-2149 for the 2149 season)
Years Out Draft Picks can be Traded3
College Draft DeclarationsWeek 4
Min rating to appear on depth chart44 More details
Additional Rules