Curly Lambeau Football League
#63|Chuck Aska Guard
Cleveland Ironmen (2056, Age 32)
Total Rating  Help Conditioning 95%
Status Retired (2056) Potential
Age 54 Born 12-23-2024 in Piqua, OH
Drafted Round 5, Pick 67 (2047) Experience 5 Years (124 Wks)
College Washington State College, 2047 Salary 620 ($77.589M/2078 $)
Throw Power D+ Catching D+ Pass Cover Kick Power
Throw Acc D- Pass Blocking Run Cover C- Kick Acc D+
Carrying C- Run Blocking A- Tackling C+ Kick Return D-
        Pursuit D-    
Speed C- Stamina C+ Execution Agility C-
Strength A- Health B- Aggressiveness B- Hands A-
Jumping     Attitude B+ Break Tackle D+
2047 CLE 14 3 0 93% 0 0 0 28:28
2048 CLE 14 14 0 93% 0 1 5 127:12
2049 CLE 2 2 1 94% 0 1 5 43:02
2050 CLE 15 13 0 94% 0 0 0 142:42
2051 CLE 16 4 0 95% 0 0 0 23:40
2052 CLE 16 11 0 95% 0 0 0 103:40
2053 CLE 2 2 2 95% 0 0 0 11:16
2054 CLE 2 2 0 96% 0 0 0 17:02
2055 CLE 4 4 0 94% 0 0 0 49:46
Total   85 55 3 94% 0 2 10 546:48

Career Transactions
02-28-2057Chuck Aska has retired from the Cleveland Ironmen.
09-04-2056The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Roosevelt Brown, Tom Brooker, Rocky Ford, Tom Fordham, Roger LeClerc, Salvo Boiardi, Alastair Sim, Kent Sinex, Joe Namath, and Royce Smith to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Wayne Clark, Brian Williams, Allen Rossum, Tom Dempsey, Floyd Rivers, Fritzie Franklin, Ray Ustynoski, Chuck Aska, Screamin' J. Hawkins, and Kirk Barton to the inactive roster.
08-14-2056The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska, Kirk Barton, Jon Alexander, Flash Gordon, Bang-Zoom Robinson, Dale Livingston, Wee Willie Webber, Alastair Sim, and Ron Hall to the active roster.
08-07-2056The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Floyd Rivers and Ira McGee to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Roosevelt Brown and Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
12-26-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster.
12-06-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Royce Smith to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
11-14-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Royce Smith to the inactive roster.
08-30-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Roger LeClerc to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
08-09-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Hank Rzepka, Floyd Carl, Chuck Aska, and Ralph Embree to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Joe Toledo, Roger LeClerc, Salvo Boiardi, and Dick Manchester to the inactive roster.
01-10-2055The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ernie DiGregorio to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
12-28-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ernie DiGregorio to the inactive roster.
11-30-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Floyd Carl to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
11-22-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Dick Manchester to the inactive roster.
09-28-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have changed Fred Slutzker's name to Chuck Aska.
09-28-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have reverted Salvo Boiardi's name to Fred Slutzker.
09-14-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Kirk Barton to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
09-14-2054The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Leon Brown and Salvo Boiardi to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ray Steele and Kirk Barton to the inactive roster.
12-22-2053The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
12-15-2053The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi, Eddie Rickenbacker, Ray Steele, and Andy Boiardi to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ron Berger, Joe Hand, Chuck Aska, and Jack Diana to the inactive roster.
12-08-2053The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
12-01-2053The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Chuck Aska to the inactive roster.
09-01-2053The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Myron Pottios, Jake Striker, Vitamin Smith, Bubba Smith, Neal Colzie, Tom Cousineau, Roosevelt Brown, Bob Svihus, John Callison, Joe Namath, Night Train Lane, Mac Speedie, Royce Smith, Cookie Rojas, Tom Fordham, Elv Pilgrim, and Tom Dempsey to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Steve Brodie, Murray Chase, Rick Law, Ray Steele, Kirk Barton, Steve R. Reno, Albert Keys, Salvo Boiardi, Andy Boiardi, Bobby Barber, Hopalong Cassady, Tony Solaita, Wayne Clark, Hot Rod Hendrix, Timmy Thomas, Chuck Cheeseman, and Tommy Kaiser to the inactive roster.
11-07-2050The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi, George Reeves, and Ray Parker, Jr. to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Shake Robinson, Ray Mansfield, and Speedy Dunlap to the inactive roster.
10-31-2050The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ray Mansfield, Andy Devine, Shake Robinson, and Speedy Dunlap to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi, Jake Striker, Ray Parker, Jr., and George Reeves to the inactive roster.
08-08-2050The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Buck Henry, Dan Conners, Andy Devine, Salvo Boiardi, Mack Calvin, Chris Davis, Don Chase, Kevin Singletary, Chip Freeman, Roy Horn, and Tony Rajski to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Bob Svihus, Royce Smith, Mac Speedie, Kirk Barton, Roosevelt Brown, Bennie Ball, Roger LeClerc, Richie Allen, Cincinnatus Powell, Smokin' Joe Frazier, and Jake Striker to the inactive roster.
01-03-2050The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tom Cousineau, Turkey Jones, Richie St. Louis, Kirk Barton, and Roosevelt Brown to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ed Breedlove, Andy Boiardi, Flip Wilson, Salvo Boiardi, and Tony Rajski to the inactive roster.
12-27-2049The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Roosevelt Brown to the inactive roster.
10-25-2049The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Bennie Ball, Jake Striker, Bob Svihus, and Andy Devine to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rajski, Shake Robinson, Ed Breedlove, and Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
10-18-2049The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rajski, Shake Robinson, Ed Breedlove, and Salvo Boiardi to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Bennie Ball, Jake Striker, Bob Svihus, and Andy Devine to the inactive roster.
09-06-2049The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tom Cousineau, Night Train Lane, John Callison, Bubba Smith, Mac Speedie, Bruce Ruhl, Ken Times, Kirk Barton, Roosevelt Brown, Joe Namath, Hopalong Cassady, Cincinnatus Powell, and Jubilee Clark to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Andy Boiardi, Buck Henry, Don Horn, Shake Robinson, Marlin McKeever, Adolphus Trafficante, Larry Ball, Flip Wilson, Salvo Boiardi, Rick Dick, Mack Calvin, Boot Scootin' Booty, and Ray Wagner to the inactive roster.
11-08-2048The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Buck Henry, Jim Ritcher, Salvo Boiardi, and Steve R. Reno to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Duke Kahanamoku, Andy Devine, Tom Dempsey, and Graham Eby to the inactive roster.
10-25-2048The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Shake Robinson to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
09-14-2048The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi, Don Horn, Jim Ritcher, and Tony Rajski to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rudi, Andy Devine, Graham Eby, and Bill Gibson to the inactive roster.
09-07-2048The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Ed Breedlove to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi to the inactive roster.
12-30-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Salvo Boiardi and Larry Ball to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Andy Devine and Graham Eby to the inactive roster.
12-16-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Buck Henry, Don Horn, Andy Devine, Turkey Jones, Jim Ritcher, and Richie Allen to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rudi, Bob Svihus, Salvo Boiardi, Ron Berger, Graham Eby, and Tony Rajski to the inactive roster.
09-23-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have changed Fred Slutzker's name to Salvo Boiardi.
09-02-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Fred Slutzker to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Fels Naptha to the inactive roster.
09-02-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Jeff Van Note, Kirk Barton, Roosevelt Brown, and Smokin' Joe Frazier to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Doug France, Joe Bellino, George Mason, and Fred Slutzker to the inactive roster.
08-05-2047The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rajski, Tom Rairden, Earl Paisley, Sedric Williams, Larry Pringle, Jim Finks, Ken Iman, Fred Slutzker, Jim Ritcher, Don Horn, Frank Stevens, Jim Schupbach, Darrell Roundtree, and Martin White to the active roster. The Cleveland Ironmen have moved Tony Rudi, Ed Breedlove, Kirk Barton, Roosevelt Brown, Jeff Van Note, Ron Ward, Tim Truesdell, Eddie Rickenbacker, Big Bob Lancaster, Mack Calvin, Hopalong Cassady, Cincinnatus Powell, Smokin' Joe Frazier, and Andy Devine to the inactive roster.