Curly Lambeau Football League
#68|Mike Schwartz Defensive End
Retired (2051, Age 34)
Total Rating  Help Conditioning 95%
Status Retired (2051) Potential B-
Age 61 Born 10-29-2017 in Gloster, MS
Drafted Round 1, Pick 13 (2039) Experience 11 Years (177 Wks)
College Tampa College, 2040 Salary 845 ($105.747M/2078 $)
Throw Power Catching D- Pass Cover Kick Power D-
Throw Acc D- Pass Blocking Run Cover B+ Kick Acc D-
Carrying D- Run Blocking B- Tackling Kick Return D-
Speed Stamina Execution B- Agility
Strength Health D+ Aggressiveness B- Hands C+
Jumping B-     Attitude B- Break Tackle C-
2039Game 3.0    0.27.4187.6      
2040Game 10.0    2.1 231.60.2     
2041Game        292.4      
2042Game      1.8 324.6      
2043Game      7.2 341.3      
2044Game        272.0  5.2   
2045Game       1.6267.97.6     
2046Game        377.27.4     
2047Game        346.07.7     
2048Game        327.37.8     
2049Game 18.4      180.66.1     
2050Game 7.4      35.21.4     
Numbers in this table represent the number of minutes played at each position. ST represents special teams positions other than K or P.

Career Transactions
02-28-2052Mike Schwartz has retired from football.
09-05-2050The San Diego Vikings have waived Mike Schwartz.
09-06-2049The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz, Drew Fowlkes, and Richard Schlichter to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Doug Beckwith, Ken Gordon, and Derek Smith to the inactive roster.
05-02-2049The San Diego Kolts have moved Walt Rascher, Willie McCadam, and Greg Alflen to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Richard Schlichter, Frank Moreno, Mike Schwartz, and Tim Lindsey to the inactive roster.
08-24-2048The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster.
05-03-2048The San Diego Kolts have moved Ken Gordon and Marlon Giddens to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Jim Beams, Drew Fowlkes, Richard Schlichter, and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
09-02-2047The San Diego Kolts have moved Frank Moreno, Lenvil Huddleston, Richard Schlichter, Mike Schwartz, and Tim Lindsey to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Walt Rascher to the inactive roster.
04-28-2047The San Diego Kolts have moved Boobie Rivera to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Drew Fowlkes, Mike Schwartz, and Richard Schlichter to the inactive roster.
09-03-2046The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith, Phillip Purdy, Drew Fowlkes, and Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Richard Schlichter and Pete Duncan to the inactive roster.
04-29-2046The San Diego Kolts have moved Charlie Watts to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
09-04-2045The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Mike Schwartz to the active roster.
04-30-2045The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
11-28-2044The San Diego Kolts have moved Garrett Austin and Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Joe Fairley and Tim Lindsey to the inactive roster.
11-21-2044The San Diego Kolts have moved Robert Scales, Lenvil Huddleston, and Phillip Purdy to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Garrett Austin, Mike Schwartz, and Pete Duncan to the inactive roster.
09-05-2044The San Diego Kolts have moved Drew Fowlkes, Mike Schwartz, and Phillip Purdy to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Pete Duncan to the inactive roster.
05-01-2044The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
01-04-2044The San Diego Kolts have moved Joe Fairley and Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Terry McDonald and Cornelius Krutko to the inactive roster.
12-28-2043The San Diego Kolts have moved Phillip Purdy, Earl Masters, and David Pitzer to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Joe Fairley, Mike Schwartz, and Drew Fowlkes to the inactive roster.
09-07-2043The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz, Willie McMath, Tommy Piskor, Lenvil Huddleston, and Phillip Purdy to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Drew Fowlkes, Al Mills, Jesse Sutton, and Earl Masters to the inactive roster.
05-03-2043The San Diego Kolts have moved Earl Masters to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
12-29-2042The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Blue Barry and Earl Masters to the inactive roster.
12-22-2042The San Diego Kolts have moved Willie McMath, Metz Septien, and Earl Masters to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz, Tim Lindsey, and Lenvil Huddleston to the inactive roster.
09-01-2042The San Diego Kolts have moved Phillip Purdy, Lenvil Huddleston, Mike Schwartz, Tim Lindsey, and Dick Chatman to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Earl Masters, Metz Septien, and Pete Pumpkin to the inactive roster.
04-27-2042The San Diego Kolts have moved Kirk Grimm and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
09-02-2041The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz, Dick Chatman, Willie Hiles, and Phillip Purdy to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith and Pete Hill to the inactive roster.
04-28-2041The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Willie Hiles and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
12-17-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith to the inactive roster.
12-10-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Phillip Purdy and Tim Lindsey to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Lenvil Huddleston and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
12-03-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz and Tom Brady to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Phillip Purdy and Tom Renfro to the inactive roster.
11-26-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Dick Chatman and Jimmy Gillette to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
10-08-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz, Gary Schabarum, Marvin Simmons, and John Plank to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Henry Smith, Bob Bellamy, Jimmy Gillette, and Rolling Yaw to the inactive roster.
09-24-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Phillip Purdy to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
04-29-2040The San Diego Kolts have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Kolts have moved Willie Hiles and Cornelius Krutko to the inactive roster.
01-02-2040The San Diego Oilers have moved Jesse Sutton, John Rentz, David Pitzer, and Will Smith to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Tim Payton, Mike Schwartz, Woodley Lewis, and Tom Renfro to the inactive roster.
12-05-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Tim Payton, Mike Schwartz, and Touche' Tuttle to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Jesse Sutton, Cornelius Krutko, and Tom Renfro to the inactive roster.
11-28-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Will Smith and Tom Renfro to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz and Touche' Tuttle to the inactive roster.
11-21-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Will Smith to the inactive roster.
11-20-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Phillip Purdy and Jesse Sutton to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Tim Payton and Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
11-07-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Tom Renfro and Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Phillip Purdy and Tom Brady to the inactive roster.
10-10-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Willie Hiles to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz to the inactive roster.
10-03-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz and Joey Kocurek to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Willie Hiles and Bobby Franklin to the inactive roster.
09-05-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Willie Hiles and Cornelius Krutko to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz and Will Smith to the inactive roster.
08-08-2039The San Diego Oilers have moved Mike Schwartz to the active roster. The San Diego Oilers have moved Kirk Grimm to the inactive roster.