09-05-1976 | The Washington Xenomorphs have moved Jason Cagle, Drew Mincy, John Briggs, Tom Tobin, George Barnes, Frank Erickson, Seneca Westbrook, Joe Stewart, Dale Harvin, Tom Corker, Kurt Saunooke, Joe Buggs, Hessley Brigance, Stan Sprinkle, Lakei Woodbury, A.B. Blackwell, Abdul Orton, Anthony Prior, Chad McKalip, Shawn Sanders, and Don Moore to the active roster. The Washington Xenomorphs have moved Eddie Manella, Dee Johnson, Maurice Felton, Jim Anderson, Larry Harvey, Otto Siegal, Frank Gauer, Ed Walls, Bobby Titus, Chief Williams, Bobby Cone, Steve Roberts, Arthur Morley, Lee Rule, Dennis Field, Ookie Ferris, Bill DeLoach, David Gulledge, Richard Lehrer, and Doug Parker to the inactive roster. |